Our Recruitment Process

We are aware of attempts to impersonate our personnel by unapproved third parties, including requests for online resume posters to respond to text messages asking whether they are interested in positions, scheduling of false interviews and illegitimate offers of employment. 

Protecting you and your personal information is a top priority for us.  Please note the following when seeking or applying for employment with us:

We will never:

  • Extend offers of employment through Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Instagram, or any other social media platform
  • Ask you for money or credit card, bank account information, or anything else related to your financials via email
  • Request personal information including your Social Security number via email
  • Text message you asking if you’re interested in a position with our company
  • Provide you with a check to purchase home office equipment or anything else related to your employment
  • Require you to buy gift cards or to make payments over the phone
Should you have any questions about the legitimacy of a request related to employment at our company please email talent.acquisition@mcview.com for confirmation.